Fat Grafting Butt

BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT: The Mendieta Technique
With his expertise in using fat graft to the face for facial rejuvenation, Dr. Alfredo Callanta is now extending the use of fat graft to the butt. He is using the technique of Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Constantino Mendieta who has perfected the art of body sculpting.

Dr. Mendieta understands the female perspective of beauty and tailors his plastic surgery skills to meet an individual’s desires in buttock enhancement. But he does not perform this procedure only to provide women with “bigger butts”. His signature Brazilian Butt Lift technique is one that can help a woman enhance her derriere into a natural-looking, voluptuous shape and size. Due to its high success rate, ninety percent of the buttock augmentation surgeries that Dr. Mendieta performss via the fat transfer method, commonly using his “Highlight Liposculpting and Lipo Fat Transfer 3-D approach.” With this technique, the patient’s own fat is used to accentuate the curves that she may already have, and/or would like to gain.

Having seen the results of Dr. Mendieta’s works, Dr. Callanta pre-ordered and waited for the publication of the book “The Art of Gluteal Sculpting, Dr. Constantino G. Mendieta”, in which Dr. Callanta followed, studied and applied the techniques to offer butt re-shaping in the Philippines.

Procedure: Butt reshaping is done using a combination of liposuction on the problem areas and harvested fat is processed and is used to augment and re-shape the butt.
Length: 2-3 hours
Anesthesia: Local with sedation or General Anesthesia
In/Outpatient: Usually outpatient
Technique: The fat is harvested from the flanks, lower back, lateral thighs and abdomen using a power cannula liposuction, processed under high speed centrifugation and transferred to the area of the gluteus to make a natural looking butt in shape and contour.
Side Effects: Temporary bruising, swelling, and tight feeling
Use of body garments for 6 to 8 weeks
Back to work: 10 to 14 days.
To do more strenuous activities: 2 weeks or more
Bruising: 1 to 2 weeks. Must limit exposure to sun for several months.
Duration of Results: Usually permanent

ACallantaMD Clinic

2F The Symphony Tower One #6 Sgt. Esguerra Avenue,
South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines

(+63) 917-522-9394
